Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Tyler looking quite handsome at 6 and 1/2 years old!

Thanks Mike for the wonderful photos.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tyler has a grand champion offspring!

We want to congratulate Stan Armstrong and Jenny Boyd on Minni's Grand Champion title! Minni (GC CH Ableaim Masquerade, SC) is the 7th whippet to earn this new title and we are proud for it to be one of Tyler's offspring from his "Reese" litter!Congrats again to all involved!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

3 New Champion Offspring so far this year!

Tyler wants to congratulate 3 of his offspring from the "Reese" (Ch. Meisterhaus Goldie Hawnd, SC) litter that finished their bench championships this year at 2.5 years of age! These girls are more commonly known as the "M" girls.

Our very own and the first in the litter to finish:
Morgan - Ch. Ableaim Morgan Le Fay MC

Next to finish and owned by Stan Armstrong and Jenny Boyd:
Minni - Ch. Ableaim Masquerade SC

Finally, 3rd to finish and owned by Jenny and Gail Boyd:
Marlow - Ch. Ableaim Meant To Be SC

(photo to come!)

This amazing litter was bred by Gail and Jenny Boyd and A. Tad Brooks.

Not to be left out -Makenzie (the forth special girl from this litter) is pointed in the show ring and we have hopes that she will follow in her sister's footsteps and finish later this year!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tyler has 3 top ranked daughters for 2009

Tyler wants to congratulate his daughters for their success in 2009.

In the Show Ring:
Jada (CH Ableaim Just Not Another Pretty Face SC)- Top 10 Whippet - 2009

On the Coursing field:
Morgan (Ableaim Morgan Le Fay MC) - Top 15 AKC Lure Coursing - 2009
Makenzie (Ableaim Making Memories MC) - Top 5 AKC Lure Coursing - 2009
Morgan, Makenzie, Minni and Marlow - all 4 girls are pointed in the show ring as well (photo above by M. McNamer) Also, to not be outdone, while Morgan and Makenzie were busy on the coursing field, both Minni and Marlow were awarded 5pt major wins at AWC supported entry shows this past year.

Morgan on the field (photo be S. Surfman)

Makenzie (photo by M. McNamer)
We here at Cali Whippets are proud of all of Tyler's daughters.